Angular4 Components inheritance with abstract class

Update for Angular 10+ As of Angular 10, when using the IVY compiler, components that are inherited, and which contain Angular functionality, must be decorated with an empty @Directive() decorator. Read more about it here There’s no need to add @Component() annotations to abstract classes or register them to any module. It could be that …

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Java final abstract class

You can’t get much simpler than using an enum with no instances. public enum MyLib {; public static void myHelperMethod() { } } This class is final, with explicitly no instances and a private constructor. This is detected by the compiler rather than as a runtime error. (unlike throwing an exception)

Best way to declare an interface in C++11

For dynamic (runtime) polymorphism, I would recommend using the Non-Virtual-Interface (NVI) idiom. This pattern keeps the interface non-virtual and public, the destructor virtual and public, and the implementation pure virtual and private class DynamicInterface { public: // non-virtual interface void fun() { do_fun(); } // equivalent to “this->do_fun()” // enable deletion of a Derived* through …

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Abstract Method in Ruby

Abstract methods are supposed to be less useful in Ruby because it’s not strongly statically typed. However, this is what I do: class AbstractThing MESS = “SYSTEM ERROR: method missing” def method_one; raise MESS; end def method_two; raise MESS; end end class ConcreteThing < AbstractThing def method_one puts “hi” end end a = a.method_two …

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Why does Java not allow multiple inheritance but does allow conforming to multiple interfaces with default implementations

Things are not so simple. If a class implements multiple interfaces that defines default methods with the same signature the compiler will force you to override this method for the class. For example with these two interfaces : public interface Foo { default void doThat() { // … } } public interface Bar { default …

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Why can’t you call abstract functions from abstract classes in PHP?

This is a correct implementation; you should use static, not self, in order to use late static bindings: abstract class AbstractFoo{ public static function foo() { throw new RuntimeException(“Unimplemented”); } public static function getFoo(){ return static::foo(); } } class ConcreteFoo extends AbstractFoo{ public static function foo(){ return “bar”; } } echo ConcreteFoo::getFoo(); gives the expected …

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