Does AJAX loaded content get a “document.ready”?

To answer your question: No, document.ready will not fire again once a ajax request is completed. (The content in the ajax is loaded into your document, so there isn’t a second document for the ajax content). To solve your problem just add the event listener to the Element where you load the ajax content into … Read more

addEventListener on NodeList [duplicate]

There is no way to do it without looping through every element. You could, of course, write a function to do it for you. function addEventListenerList(list, event, fn) { for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { list[i].addEventListener(event, fn, false); } } var ar_coins = document.getElementsByClassName(‘coins’); addEventListenerList(ar_coins, ‘dragstart’, handleDragStart); or … Read more

Creating a custom event listener on an Android app

Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener { void onNewsUpdate(<News data to be passed>); } Provide a registration facility on the background thread which gets the RSS feed class <Background processing class name> { …. ArrayList<NewsUpdateListener> listeners = new ArrayList<NewsUpdateListener> (); …. public void setOnNewsUpdateListener (NewsUpdateListener listener) { // Store the listener object this.listeners.add(listener); } … Read more

Javascript Google Maps API & non-passive event handlers

this works for me. Got here (function () { if (typeof EventTarget !== “undefined”) { let func = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, fn, capture) { this.func = func; if(typeof capture !== “boolean”){ capture = capture || {}; capture.passive = false; } this.func(type, fn, capture); }; }; }());

addEventListener calls the function without me even asking it to

Quoting Ian’s answer: Since the second parameter expects a function reference, you need to provide one. With your problematic code, you’re immediately calling the function and passing its result (which is undefined…because all the function does is alert and doesn’t return anything). Either call the function in an anonymous function (like your first example) or … Read more

Code inside DOMContentLoaded event not working

It’s most likely because the DOMContentLoaded event was already fired at this point. The best practice in general is to check for document.readyState to determine whether or not you need to listen for that event at all. if (document.readyState !== ‘loading’) { console.log(‘document is already ready, just execute code here’); myInitCode(); } else { document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, … Read more

reactjs event listener beforeunload added but not removed

The removeEventListener should get the reference to the same callback that was assigned in addEventListener. Recreating the function won’t do. The solution is to create the callback elsewhere (onUnload in this example), and pass it as reference to both addEventListener and removeEventListener: import React, { PropTypes, Component } from ‘react’; class MyComponent extends Component { … Read more

addEventListener on a querySelectorAll() with classList [duplicate]

There are some dissimilarities between the code and the link you have provided. There is no function doit() in there. You have attached addEvenListener to the NodeList in cbox.addEventListener(“click”,….., you have to loop through the list and attach the event to the current element: Try the following: const cbox = document.querySelectorAll(“.box”); for (let i = … Read more