What is the difference between cascade & inverse in hibernate, what are they used for?

In case of many-to-many relation through intermediary table; “Cascade” says whether a record will be created/updated in the child table. Whereas “Inverse” says whether a record will be created/updated in the intermediary table e.g. Assume below scenario 1 student can have multiple phones. So Student class has property for Set of phones. Also 1 Phone …

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Doctrine Cascade Options for OneToMany

In the Doctrine2 documentation “9.6. Transitive persistence / Cascade Operations” there are few examples of how you should configure your entities so that when you persist $article, the $topic would be also persisted. In your case I’d suggest this annotation for Topic entity: /** * @OneToMany(targetEntity=”Article”, mappedBy=”topic”, cascade={“persist”, “remove”}) */ private $articles; The drawback of …

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How do I use on delete cascade in mysql?

Here’s what you’d include in your components table. CREATE TABLE `components` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `typeId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `moreInfo` VARCHAR(32), — etc PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `type` (`typeId`) CONSTRAINT `myForeignKey` FOREIGN KEY (`typeId`) REFERENCES `types` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) Just remember that you need to use …

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Haar Cascades vs. LBP Cascades in Face Detection [closed]

LBP is faster (a few times faster) but less accurate. (10-20% less than Haar). If you want to detect faces on an embedded system, LBP is the default choice, because it does its calculations in integers. Haar uses floats for processing, which have poorer support on embedded and mobile processors; as a result, the performance …

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