Clone specific branch from git

Try: git clone [email protected]:project/project.git -b develop_one –single-branch For already cloned repos use: git fetch git checkout develop_one # Or more specific: git checkout –track -b develop_one This will track the develop_one branch from the remote.

git clone with different username/account

If you clone via https you can do something like git clone https://[email protected]/username/repository.git This will prompt you for a password. You can also directly provide a password by calling git clone https://username:[email protected]/username/repository.git But be aware that the password will be saved in .git/config and your bash history in that case which is not safe. If … Read more

git checkout branch from outside

You can use –git-dir to specify the .git directory to use as the repository, and –work-tree to specify the working tree to to the checkout in. See the git man page for details. git –git-dir=file-system-folder/.git –work-tree=file-system-folder checkout existing-branch

Cloning a Non-Standard Svn Repository with Git-Svn

Lee B was right. The answer, provided by doener in #git, is to upgrade Git to 1.6.x (I had been using 1.5.x). 1.6.x offers deep cloning so that multiple wildcards can be used with the –branches option: $ git svn clone web-self-serve \ –trunk=trunk –branches=branches/*/* –prefix=svn/ $ git branch -r svn/development/sandbox1 svn/development/feature1 svn/development/sandbox2 svn/development/sandbox3 … Read more

How to copy/clone a hash/object in JQuery?

Yes, extend an empty object with the original one; that way, everything will simply be copied: var clone = $.extend({}, settings); Extending some filled object with another, e.g.: $.extend({a:1}, {b:2}) will return: {a:1, b:2} With the same logic: $.extend({}, {foo:’bar’, test:123}) will return: {foo:’bar’, test:123} i.e. effectively a clone.

What’s the best way to make a deep copy of a data structure in Perl?

Clone is much faster than Storable::dclone, but the latter supports more data types. Clone::Fast and Clone::More are pretty much equivalent if memory serves me right, but less feature complete than even Clone, and Scalar::Util::Clone supports even less but IIRC is the fastest of them all for some structures. With respect to readability these should all … Read more