iOS – color on Xcode simulator is different from the color on device

Credit goes to @jtbandes for suggesting to send screenshots which led to the solution I am just answering the question for completeness. Steps I followed: Take a screenshot of image in storyboard Take a screenshot of image in device (use mail / photo stream back to your mac) Use color picker (part of mac OS … Read more

vim colorschemes not changing background color

I have this in my .vimrc and it solved this problem for me using while using PuTTY. set t_Co=256 set background=dark colorscheme mustang highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE highlight nonText ctermbg=NONE It’s important to load the colorscheme before the ctermbg settings in .vimrc because they need to override the same ones set by the colorscheme. This also … Read more

Best CSS color wheel sites [closed]

Adobe’s Kuler – is widely considered to be the best color palette selector out there, as it also lets you share color palettes other users have created. Sign in, click create, and you’ll have options including “complementary” that give you a good starting point if you have one color in mind.

How to change the active tab header’s color in IntelliJ 14.1.4?

Please note that this setting has worked for IntelliJ 14 back then, but is no longer applicable for newer versions Find the comments below for plugins as a great alternative (Material Theme UI, Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter) Although, if you are still using IntelliJ 14: Under File \ Settings \ Appearance & Behavior \ File … Read more

Incorrect colors with vim in iTerm2 using Solarized

A couple of things to check: In iTerm2, in Preferences -> Profiles -> Terminal, under “Terminal Emulation” you have “Report Terminal Type:” set to xterm-256color. In your .vimrc, there are some options you can also set to make sure it’s using 256 colors: set background=dark ” solarized options let g:solarized_visibility = “high” let g:solarized_contrast = … Read more