CSS selector for empty or whitespace

Lots of people missing the point of this question, which I’ve addressed in the following exposition, but for those just looking for the answer, I’m mirroring the last paragraph here: Selectors 4 now redefines :empty to include elements that contain only whitespace. This was originally proposed as a separate pseudo-class :blank but was recently retconned …

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Use a space or greater than sign > in CSS selector? [duplicate]

No they are completely different, using > selects a child element whereas using a space will select a nested element at any level. For example… Using ␣/space in the selector… <div class=”welcome”> <section> <div>This will be selected</div> </section> <div>This will be selected as well</div> </div> So here, the selector having space will target the div …

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Can I make the CSS :after pseudo element append content outside the element?

The spec says: As their names indicate, the :before and :after pseudo-elements specify the location of content before and after an element’s document tree content. Note the key phrase at the end of this sentence, which refers to the inner content (or inner text). So, the pseudo-elements are inserted into the beginning of the end …

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