How does one clear or remove a global in julia?

See the latest answer to this question here: Retrieved from the docs: Julia does not have an analog of MATLAB’s clear function; once a name is defined in a Julia session (technically, in module Main), it is always present. If memory usage is your concern, you can always replace objects with ones that consume … Read more

In Python what is a global statement?

Every “variable” in python is limited to a certain scope. The scope of a python “file” is the module-scope. Consider the following: #file myvariable = 5 # myvariable has module-level scope def func(): x = 3 # x has “local” or function level scope. Objects with local scope die as soon as the function … Read more

C++ static local function vs global function

What is the utility of having static functions in a file? You can use these functions to provide shared implementation logic to other functions within the same file. Various helper functions specific to a file are good candidates to be declared file-static. How are they different from having global functions in a file? They are … Read more