Why are major web sites using gzip?

It is apparently due to a misunderstanding resulting from the choice of the name “Deflate”. The http standard clearly states that “deflate” really means the zlib format: The “zlib” format defined in RFC 1950 [31] in combination with the “deflate” compression mechanism described in RFC 1951 [29]. However early Microsoft servers would incorrectly deliver raw … Read more

How do I compress a Json result from ASP.NET MVC with IIS 7.5

Make sure your %WinDir%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config contains these: <system.webServer> <urlCompression doDynamicCompression=”true” /> <httpCompression> <dynamicTypes> <add mimeType=”application/json” enabled=”true” /> <add mimeType=”application/json; charset=utf-8″ enabled=”true” /> </dynamicTypes> </httpCompression> </system.webServer> From the link of @AtanasKorchev. As @simon_weaver said in the comments, you might be editing the wrong file with a 32 bit editor on a 64 bit Windows, use notepad.exe to … Read more

HttpWebRequest & Native GZip Compression

What about the webrequest AutomaticDecompression Property available since .net 2? Simply add: webRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; It also adds the gzip,deflate to the accept encoding header. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest.automaticdecompression.aspx