c++ namespace best practice dilemma

Here’s what I do. In <mylibrary.h>: namespace myproject { namespace mylibrary { namespace impl { using namespace otherlibrary; using namespace boost; using namespace std; using namespace whatever::floats::your::boat; class myclass; class myotherclass; }; using impl::myclass; using impl::myotherclass; }; }; In the source: #include <mylibrary.h> using namespace myproject::mylibrary; //clean!

Modules vs. Namespaces: What is the correct way to organize a large typescript project?

tl;dr: Do not choose the past. Choose the future: Modules. In early drafts of the ES6 modules specification, there was an inline modules notion, which then has been eliminated in September 2013. However, this notion was already implemented by the TypeScript team, in 2012, with the first beta versions of the language: it was internal …

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Why do we need both using-directives and include-directives?

using directives and include preprocessor directives are two different things. The include roughly corresponds to the CLASSPATH environment variable of Java, or the -cp option of the java virtual machine. What it does is making the types known to the compiler. Just including <string> for example will make you able to refer to std::string : …

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