If static methods can’t be overridden, how its working here (For Java)?

First of all there are different mechanisms involved here: Overriding and Shadowing (also called hiding). 1) Static methods cannot be overriden as they are attached to the class they are defined in. However, you can shadow/hide a static method as you are doing with your Parent/Child class. This means, the method gets replaced in the … Read more

How do I override, not hide, a member variable (field) in a C# subclass?

You cannot override variables in C#, but you can override properties: public class Item { public virtual string Name {get; protected set;} } public class Subitem : Item { public override string Name {get; protected set;} } Another approach would be to change the value in the subclass, like this: public class Item { public … Read more

Why is a call to a shadowing non-virtual member function in the derived class not calling the base class member function?

Yep, you are misunderstanding a little. The method of the same name on the derived class will hide the parent method in this case. You would imagine that if this weren’t the case, trying to create a method with the same name as a base class non-virtual method should throw an error. It is allowed … Read more

Why is a call to a virtual member function in the constructor a non-virtual call?

Calling virtual functions from a constructor or destructor is dangerous and should be avoided whenever possible. All C++ implementations should call the version of the function defined at the level of the hierarchy in the current constructor and no further. The C++ FAQ Lite covers this in section 23.7 in pretty good detail. I suggest … Read more

Is there a way to prevent a method from being overridden in subclasses?

When you can use the final specifier for virtual methods (introduced with C++11), you can do it. Let me quote my favorite doc site: When used in a virtual function declaration, final specifies that the function may not be overridden by derived classes. Adapted to your example that’d be like: class Base { public: virtual … Read more

How do I override a Python import?

Does this answer your question? The second import does the trick. Mod_1.py def test_function(): print “Test Function — Mod 1” Mod_2.py def test_function(): print “Test Function — Mod 2” Test.py #!/usr/bin/python import sys import Mod_1 Mod_1.test_function() del sys.modules[‘Mod_1’] sys.modules[‘Mod_1’] = __import__(‘Mod_2’) import Mod_1 Mod_1.test_function()

How do I override inherited methods when using JavaScript ES6/ES2015 subclassing

The solution I found was to create a new function in the subclass that has the same name as the inherited function. In this case push. Then inside the overriding function the inherited function is called via the super keyword. class newArray extends Array{ push(value) { //execute any logic require before pushing value onto array … Read more

Can java call parent overridden method in other objects but not subtype?

You can’t call the super method in other objects – that would violate encapsulation. The whole point is that the object controls what its overridden methods do. For instance, you might override a collection’s add method to throw an exception in certain circumstances, so it could ensure only “valid” items got added to the collection. … Read more