Why Treat 0 as True in Ruby?

I’m guessing that Matz wanted conceptual simplicity of “truthiness” as such – the only “false” values are false and nil. Period. Using just false would be the cleanest but there is understandable need for including nil. To include the integer zero as a special case might open the mental floodgates of questioning truthiness of other … Read more

does a disaster proof language exist?

Erlang was designed for use in Telecommunication systems, where high-rel is fundamental. I think they have standard methodology for building sets of communicating processes in which failures can be gracefully handled. ERLANG is a concurrent functional language, well suited for distributed, highly concurrent and fault-tolerant software. An important part of Erlang is its support for … Read more

What is the meaning of “quasi” in quasiquotations?

I believe this notion comes from Lisp languages. Program written in Lisp consists of series of lists of lists of lists etc, like this: (defn f [x y] (+ x y)) Because of such uniformity it is possible to represent and manipulate such code as data, so the sequence of characters above is interpreted as … Read more