How to save DLLs in a different folder when compiling in Visual Studio?

There are 2 parts of your question: How to configure solutions to build assemblies/EXE into folders of your choice – this is configured through properties of the project in VS (project properties -> build -> output path). Also value of check “copy local” property on each reference. How to load assemblies files from non-default locations …

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Visual Studio Solutions / Multiple project : How to effectively propagate project properties amongst several C++ projects

I think you need to investigate properties files, i.e. *.vsprops (older) or *.props (latest) You do need to add the properties file manually to each project, but once that’s done, you have multiple projects, but one .[vs]props file. If you change the properties, all projects inherit the new settings.

Easy way to add multiple existing .csproj to a Visual Studio Solution?

A PowerShell implementation that recursively scans the script directory for .csproj files and adds them to a (generated) All.sln: $scriptDirectory = (Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Directory.FullName $dteObj = [System.Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Type]::GetTypeFromProgId(“VisualStudio.DTE.12.0”)) $slnDir = “.\” $slnName = “All” $dteObj.Solution.Create($scriptDirectory, $slnName) (ls . -Recurse *.csproj) | % { $dteObj.Solution.AddFromFile($_.FullName, $false) } $dteObj.Solution.SaveAs( (Join-Path $scriptDirectory ‘All.sln’) ) $dteObj.Quit()

How to programmatically include a file in my project?

It worked for my just adding the it to the ProjectFolder, and also add the folder programmatically like this. var p = new Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project(@”C:\projects\BabDb\test\test.csproj”); p.AddItem(“Folder”, @”C:\projects\BabDb\test\test2″); p.AddItem(“Compile”, @”C:\projects\BabDb\test\test2\Class1.cs”); p.Save();

How to know which other projects refer to a certain project in Visual Studio?

Find All (CTRL+SHIFT+F) “Find what:” = Reference.*ReplaceThisTextWithProjectName Check “Use:” -> “Regular Expression” in the “Find options” section “Look at these file types:” = “*.*proj* ” “Look in:” = Select a directory/folder on your drive. Don’t use “Entire Solution” it won’t get to the project file itself. (Don’t forget to check “Include sub-folders”)

How to link multiple visual studio solutions together?

This question has popped up in different, but related, forms. There is actually an MSDN page that covers this. What you’re looking for is a multi-solution approach akin to the Partitioned Single Solution Model for Larger Systems. Have one “everything” solution that builds everything and maintains your inter-component dependencies. This is what you build when …

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