Changing location of core dump

Yes, it is. You can change /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern to define the pathname used to generate the corefile. For more, see man core example: echo ‘/tmp/core_%e.%p’ | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern # `tee’ instead of > so that # opening happens in the # elevated process would cause all future core dumps to be generated in /tmp and … Read more

Smarter Vim recovery?

I have vim store my swap files in a single local directory, by having this in my .vimrc: set directory=~/.vim/swap,. Among other benefits, this makes the swap files easy to find all at once. Now when my laptop loses power or whatever and I start back up with a bunch of swap files laying around, … Read more

Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed]

After a lot of digging around I finally ended up downloading the source code of the recovery section of Android. Turns out you can actually send commands to the recovery. * The arguments which may be supplied in the recovery.command file: * –send_intent=anystring – write the text out to recovery.intent * –update_package=path – verify install … Read more

How to recover corrupted Eclipse workspace?

When workspace is damaged and Eclipse cannot start, even using the -clean option, removing single file workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap may help (source: comments to article Update: when Eclipse 4.X cannot start after crash, try to start with -clearPersistedState option; if it didn’t help then remove file workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi (sources: Note: you’ll lose configuration of … Read more