Prevent overwriting of files when using Scp [closed]

rsync seems to be the solution to your problem. Here’s an example I got from here: rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp The -a option will preserve permissions, directory structure, ownership, and symlinks. You can also specify any of those options individually as well. -v and -z mean verbose and compress respectively. You don’t really need them … Read more

Does scp create the target folder if it does not exist [closed]

To achieve the task with ssh and scp (instead of rsync): lets break the task into 2 steps: 1. Create directory if missing: ssh “mkdir -p /data/install/somefolder” 2. Copy to it: scp -r /data/install/somefolder Put them together server=”” destiny=”/data/install/somefolder” src=”/data/install/somefolder” ssh “$server” “mkdir -p $destiny” && scp -r “$src” “$server:$destiny”

File location if target path not specified with scp command

When you use user@server without a ‘:’ character, scp interprets user@server as the file name on the local machine to which you would like to copy your file. So, you should find a file (or in this case a directory) called user@server in the directory from which you issued the scp -r local_folder user@server command.