Difference between list, sequence and slice in Python?

You’re mixing very different things in your question, so I’ll just answer a different question You are now asking about one of the most important interface in Python: iterable – it’s basically anything you can use like for elem in iterable. iterable has three descendants: sequence, generator and mapping. A sequence is a iterable with … Read more

How can I determine all possible ways a subsequence can be removed from a sequence?

This problem can be solved in O(n*m + r) time, where r is the total length of the results, using the classic longest common subsequence algorithm. Once the table is made, as in Wikipedia’s example, replace it with a list of the cells with a diagonal arrow that also have a value corresponding with their … Read more

How do I create a sequence in MySQL?

This is a solution suggested by the MySQl manual: If expr is given as an argument to LAST_INSERT_ID(), the value of the argument is returned by the function and is remembered as the next value to be returned by LAST_INSERT_ID(). This can be used to simulate sequences: Create a table to hold the sequence counter … Read more

Oracle SQL: Use sequence in insert with Select Statement

Assuming that you want to group the data before you generate the key with the sequence, it sounds like you want something like INSERT INTO HISTORICAL_CAR_STATS ( HISTORICAL_CAR_STATS_ID, YEAR, MONTH, MAKE, MODEL, REGION, AVG_MSRP, CNT) SELECT MY_SEQ.nextval, year, month, make, model, region, avg_msrp, cnt FROM (SELECT ‘2010’ year, ’12’ month, ‘ALL’ make, ‘ALL’ model, REGION, … Read more

How to choose between UUIDs, autoincrement/sequence keys and sequence tables for database primary keys?

UUIDs Unless these are generated “in increasing monotonic sequence” they can drastically hurt/fragment indexes. Support for UUID generation varies by system. While usable, I would not use a UUID as my primary clustered index/PK in most cases. If needed I would likely make it a secondary column, perhaps indexed, perhaps not. Some people argue that … Read more

Permutation algorithm without recursion? Java

You should use the fact that when you want all permutations of N numbers there are N! possibilities. Therefore each number x from 1..N! encodes such a permutation. Here is a sample that iteratively prints out all permutations of a sting. private static void printPermutationsIterative(String string){ int [] factorials = new int[string.length()+1]; factorials[0] = 1; … Read more