Saving ssh key fails

If you’re using Windows, the unix-style default path of ssh-keygen is at fault. In Line 2 it says Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Eva/.ssh/id_rsa):. That full filename in the parantheses is the default, obviously Windows cannot access a file like that. If you type the Windows equivalent (c:\Users\Eva\.ssh\id_rsa), it should work. Before …

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SSH agent forwarding during docker build

For Docker 18.09 and newer You can use new features of Docker to forward your existing SSH agent connection or a key to the builder. This enables for example to clone your private repositories during build. Steps: First set environment variable to use new BuildKit export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 Then create Dockerfile with new (experimental) syntax: # …

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I’ve already setup the ssh key, but VSCode keeps asking for password

It was a problem with the config file. The VSCode needs the “absolute” path. In case of MacOS, ssh-copy-id seems to only copy the absolute path relative to the user. In other words, it omits “/Users/username” before “/.ssh“. Adding “/Users/username” in the IdentityFile attribute in .ssh/config solved the problem.

Pulling from Git fails and gives me following error: client_global_hostkeys_private_confirm: server gave bad signature for RSA key 0

The message “client_global_hostkeys_private_confirm: server gave bad signature for RSA key 0” is not an error, it is a warning, and it is related to some ssh versioning issue. It used to be very common to receive from GitLab. If you want it to go away, you can make sure that your ~/.ssh/config contains the following: …

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