Relative Link to Repo’s Root from Markdown file

After some research I’ve found this solution: [the real relative root of any fork](/../../) It always points to the default branch. For me it’s Ok, so it’s up to you PS With such a trick you can also access the following abilities: [test](/../../tree/test) – link to another branch [doc/](/../../edit/master/doc/ – open in editor [doc/](/../../delete/master/doc/ – … Read more

How to complete a milestone on GitHub?

Update: this is an old answer for an old question. The nowerdays correct answer is the one by seeker. Milestones now must be closed manually. — A.J. Brown Simply creating and closing an issue for a milestone, will mark the milestone completed: When all issues of the milestone are closed, the milestone should be closed … Read more

Searching in multiple Github repositories

You can search directly at the top of an Organisation now. This results in the prefix org:. e.g. if you wanted to search all twitter repos for the word bot you would search for org:twitter bot

How to delete files in github using the web interface

This is not (yet?) available through the web interface. As GitHub added File editing, then File creation features, this may make sense to propose such a feature. The recommended channel to do so is to send an email to [email protected]. Update Deletion of files through the web interface is now available.

Referencing a .css file in github repo as stylesheet in a .html file

Important: is shutting down. Read more about other alternatives here – Found something really cool. You get the raw link as:… Simply fetch the files from (or instead of and DONE! UPDATE: You can also use if you want to serves raw files directly from Bitbucket or GitLab

Github: Find PRs where user is a reviewer

As of 2017-01-23, Github have added this functionality. Search You can filter pull requests based their review status (none, required, approved, changes requested, or required), by reviewer, and by requested reviewer. For example: type:pr review:none Matches pull requests that have not been reviewed. type:pr review:required Matches pull requests that require a review before they can … Read more