Keep SSH session alive while computer sleep? [closed]

I found the answer it depends on tcp keepalive settings: For the list of available TCP settings (FreeBSD 4.8 an up and 5.4): sysctl -A | grep net.inet.tcp net.inet.tcp.keepidle – Amount of time, in milliseconds, that the (TCP) connection must be idle before keepalive probes (if enabled) are sent. net.inet.tcp.keepintvl – The interval, in milliseconds, … Read more

PuTTY configuration equivalent to OpenSSH ProxyCommand

If you want to “jump a host”, then using “local proxy command” is an overkill. Recent versions of PuTTY have this build-in. Go to Connection > Proxy, and in “Proxy type”, select “SSH to proxy and use port forwarding”. Then specify the details of the intermediate server below (like Hostname, Port, Username, Password [or load … Read more

Unable to open X display when trying to run google-chrome on Centos (Rhel 7.5)

You can try with Xvfb. it does not require additional hardware. Install Xvfb if you didn’t install it yet and do the following steps. sudo apt-get install -y xvfb Dependencies to make “headless” chrome/selenium work: sudo apt-get -y install xorg xvfb gtk2-engines-pixbuf sudo apt-get -y install dbus-x11 xfonts-base xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-cyrillic xfonts-scalable Optional but nifty: … Read more

ansible SSH connection fail

You need to change the ansible_ssh_pass as well or ssh key, for example I am using this in my inventory file: ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant ansible_ssh_user=vagrant After that I can connect to the remote host: ansible all -i tests -m ping With the following result: | SUCCESS => { “changed”: false, “ping”: “pong” } Hope that … Read more