Android 7 Native Crash: tgkill

Looking at the dump you provided gives some clues:


This indicates that the error occurred in the UI thread. x 6

This indicates that this is happening in the middle of some graphics/ui related code. – __android_log_assert

This is an assert handler, so most likely some kind of assert was violated in libwhui.


This is the application telling the O/S to shut down “abnormally”.

raise + pthread_kill + tgkill:
This is the O/S (Android) shutting down the app.

You can see some documentation for debugging these kinds of crashes here.

Anyway, I am afraid it is really difficult to speculate beyond this coarse and imprecise interpretation of the data you presented.

Maybe if you caught the bug while it was attached to the Android log viewer, you would have more application specific data (or even an error message which the assert function usually puts out).

My tip is to use something like ACRA to track down all the details pertaining to the error, or get hold of an affected device and actually reproduce it while attached to a debugger.

Good luck!

EDIT 2017-06-16: I just want to add some extra info courtesy comment by Fco P. Apparently Google has decided to make some changes to what native libraries are allowed to run in latest versions of Android (7.x). More details are in this link.

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