Are primitive constructor parameters a bad idea when using an IoC Container? [closed]

Well I ended up redesigning this after reading the book Dependency Injection in .Net (I highly recommend this book to any object-oriented developer, not just .Net developers and not just those interested in using an IoC container!).

I’ve now got the following in a Domain assembly:

public interface IImageFileService
    void RenameFiles();
    void CopyFiles(); 

public interface IImageLinkMapRepository
    IList<ImageLink> GetImageLinks(); 

Then in a FileAccess assembly I’ve created implementations for these interfaces:

public class ImageFileService : IImageFileService
    public ImageFileService(IImageLinkMapRepository repository)
        // null checks etc. left out for brevity
        _repository = repository;

    public void RenameFiles()
        // rename files, using _repository.GetImageLinks(), which encapsulates
        // enough information for it to do the rename operations without this
        // class needing to know the specific details of the source/dest dirs.

    public void CopyFiles() 
        // same deal as above

So essentially, I’ve removed the need for primitive types in my constructor, at least for this class. At some point I did need that information, but that was injected into the ImageLinkMapRepository where the information made more sense. I used autofac named parameters to handle injecting them.

So I guess to answer my own question, primitive constructor parameters are a good idea if they make sense, but make sure you put them where they belong. If things don’t seem to be jiving properly, it can probably be improved by rethinking the design.

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