Best SQL indexes for join table

The Answer

The oft repeated answer, which tends to always be the case more often than not is, “it depends.” More specifically, it depends on what your data is and how it will be used.

tl;dr Explanation

The short tl;dr answer for my specific case (and to cover all future bases) is choice #2 which is what I suspected. However, choice #3 would work just fine as, depending on my usage of the data, the extra time and space used creating the compound index could reduce future query lookups.

The Full Explanation

The reason for this is that databases try to be smart and try to do things as fast as possible regardless of programmer input. The most basic item to consider when adding an index is will this object be looked up by this key. If yes, an index can potentially help speed that up. However, whether this index is even used all comes down to selectivity and the cardinality of the field.

Since foreign keys are typically the IDs of another AR class, cardinality usually will be high. But again, this depends on your data. In my example if there are many Foos but few Bars, many of the entries in my join table will have simliar bar_ids. With bar_ids having a low cardinality, an index on bar_id may never be used and may be getting in the way by having the database devote time and resources* to adding to this index every time a new bars_foos entry is created. The same goes with many Bars and few Foos and few of both.

The general lesson is that when considering an index on a table, decide if the entries will be both looked up by this field and if this field has a high cardinality. That is, does this field have many distinct values? In the case of most join tables “it depends” and we must think more carefully about what the data represents and the relationships themselves. In my case, I will have both many Foos and Bars and will be looking up Foos by their associated bars and vice versa.

Another good answer I got at the office was, “why are you worrying about your indexes? Build your app!”


* In a similar question on indexes on STI it was pointed out that the cost of an index is very low so when in doubt, just add it.

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