Can’t find out base GitLab API base url

The correct base url for the hosted GitLab is so your request to
GET /projects would be

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXX" ""

That would return all projects that are visible to you, including other user’s public projects.

If you wish to view just your projects, then you should use the GET /users/:user_id/projects endpoint, where :user_id is your user ID that can be found on your GitLab profile page or in the response to your request to GET /user if you’re authenticated.

# Get :user_id from this request
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXX" ""

# See your projects by replacing :user_id with id value from previous request
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXX" ""

Also, the project ID is not the same as the project name. You can retrieve the project ID from the response of your request to GET /users/:user_id/projects, or from the project’s settings page.

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