Check RPM dependencies

In fact that’s not a one but four different questions :).

*) First you can quickly list a downloaded package’s dependencies/requirements by using the following commands:

$ rpm -qp mypackage.rpm --provides
$ rpm -qp mypackage.rpm --requires

*) Second, you can use yum utility in order to satisfy these (somewhat cryptic) dependencies automatically (assuming that all your repositories are set up correctly, and all the dependencies are available):

$ sudo yum install mypackage.rpm

*) Third, there are several RPM search resources, some of them already suggested above. I’d like to list another one, just for the reference –

*) Fourth, there is an additional popular repository for RHEL5 and RHEL6 distros – EPEL. Note that it’s not supported by Red Hat.

Hope my answer(s) will help.

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