Configure Android Studio with Bitbucket team repo

Without Using Any Plug-in

  1. First from VCS menu of android studio select Enable Version Control Integration, it will ask you for selecting versioning tool, select git from the drop down.
  2. Create new repository in the BitBucket account for the project, selecting git as the repository type.
  3. Now from the terminal window at the bottom of android studio, type: git add -A
    This will add the files to git for committing.
  4. To commit with a message type git commit -m "First Commit" in the terminal. Here, First Commit is just a message i used for demonstration.
  5. From Bitbucket, in the newly created repo, select I have an Existing Project from below. It will give you two command line commands. Use Them consecutively. These will add the local repo to the bitbucket. First one: git remote add origin
    Second one:
    git push -u origin master
  6. Add again git add -A
  7. Then Commit git commit -m "Second Commit"
  8. Push for the last time git push origin master

  9. You can check that the branch is up-to-date by writting git status

    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/master’.
    nothing to commit, working tree clean

  10. Done .
    My Android Studio version was 2.3.3 & git version

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