Dagger 2 injecting parameters of constructor

If you’re using modules, then if you have two provider modules bound to the same component, then you’ll be able to allow them to see the heater as a constructor parameter.

public class HeaterModule {
    Heater heater() {
        return new Heater(); // if not using @Inject constructor

public class ThermosiphonModule {
    Thermosiphon thermosiphon(Heater heater) {
        return new Thermosiphon(heater); // if not using @Inject constructor

@Component(modules={ThermosiphonModule.class, HeaterModule.class})
public interface SingletonComponent {
    Thermosiphon thermosiphon();
    Heater heater();

    void inject(Something something);

public class CustomApplication extends Application {
    private SingletonComponent singletonComponent;

    public void onCreate() {
        this.singletonComponent = DaggerSingletonComponent.builder().build(); //.create();

    public SingletonComponent getSingletonComponent() {
        return singletonComponent;

But with constructor injection, you will also be able to provide objects of that given scope, or unscoped objects, as long as they have a @Inject constructor.

For example,

@Component // no modules
public interface SingletonComponent {
    Thermosiphon thermosiphon();
    Heater heater();

    void inject(Something something);


public class Heater {
    public Heater() {


public class Thermosiphon {
    private Heater heater;

    public Thermosiphon(Heater heater) {
        this.heater = heater;


public class Thermosiphon {
    Heater heater;

    public Thermosiphon() {

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