DELETE using CURL with encoded URL

Since you are in a bash environment, you could encode the hash OXYugGKg207g5uN/07V before passing it to curl.

A straight-forward approach would be to use its byte representation %4f%58%59%75%67%47%4b%67%32%30%37%67%35%75%4e%2f%30%37%56

To get that, call:

echo -ne "OXYugGKg207g5uN/07V" | xxd -plain | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g'

It will give you: %4f%58%59%75%67%47%4b%67%32%30%37%67%35%75%4e%2f%30%37%56

The complete one-liner including curl in bash/zsh/sh/… would look like this:

curl -X DELETE "https://myhost/context/path/users/$(echo -ne "OXYugGKg207g5uN/07V" | xxd -plain | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g')"

and is equivalent to

curl -X DELETE "https://myhost/context/path/users/%4f%58%59%75%67%47%4b%67%32%30%37%67%35%75%4e%2f%30%37%56"

This solution is not very pretty, but it works.
I hope you find this helpful.

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