Designing an event mechanism in C++

Update: This answer explains one option, but I think the modified version of this solution based on boost::any is cleaner.

First, let’s imagine how the solution would look if you didn’t need to queue up your events in an event manager. That is, let’s imagine that all “spaceships” could signal the appropriate listener in real time whenever they have an event to report.

In that case, the simplest solution is to have each spaceship own several boost::signals, which listeners can connect to. When a ship wants to report an event, it simply fires the corresponding signal. (That is, call the signal via the operator() as though it were a function.)

That system would hit a couple of your bullet-point requirements (consumers register themselves directly with the event-producers, and the handlers are just methods), but it doesn’t solve the event queue problem. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix for that.

When an event producer (i.e. spaceship) wants to notify his listener(s) of an event, he shouldn’t fire the signal himself. Instead, he should package up the signal invocation using boost::bind, and pass the resulting function object over to the event handler (in the form of a boost::function), which appends it to his queue. In this way, all events given to the event handler are merely of the following type: boost::function<void ()>

When it is time to flush the queue, the event handler merely calls all of the packaged events in his queue, each of which is essentially a callback that invokes the producer’s (spaceship’s) signal for a particular event.

Here’s a complete sample implementation. The main() function demonstrates a simple “simulation” of the working system. I even threw some mutex locking in the event manager, since I assume he might be accessed by more than one thread. I didn’t do the same for the controller or the spaceships. Obviously, the simple single-threaded test supplied in the main() function does not exercise the thread-safety of the event manager, but there’s nothing complicated going on there.

Finally, you’ll notice that I included two different types of events. Two of the example events (crash and mutiny) expect to be calling methods with customized signatures (based on the type of information associated with that event). The other events (takeoff and landing) are “generic”. Listeners provide a string (event name) when subscribing to generic events.

In all, this implementation satisfies all of your bullet points. (With the generic event examples thrown in as a way to satisfy bullet point #2.) If you wanted to augment the “generic” signal type with an extra parameter for “EventInfo” or somesuch, that can easily be done.

Note that there’s only one listener here (the controller), but nothing about the implementation restricts the number of listeners. You can add as many as you like. You will, however, have to make sure you manage the lifetime of your producers (spaceships) carefully.

One more thing: Since you expressed some disdain for having the spaceships inherit from enable_shared_from_this, I bound the spaceship object (via a weak_ptr) into the signal handler at the time of subscription. That way the spaceship doesn’t have to explicitly provide the listener with a handle to himself when he fires the signal.

By the way, the BEGIN/END Orbit output statements in main() are just there to show you that the events are not being received by the listeners until the event manager is triggered.

(For reference: this compiles using gcc and boost 1.46, but should work with older versions of boost.)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>

#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

// Forward declarations
class Spaceship;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<Spaceship> SpaceshipWPtr;

class EventManager;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManagerPtr;

class EventManager
    // Notify listeners of all recent events
    void TriggerAllQueuedEvents()
        NotificationVec vecNotifications;

        // Open a protected scope to modify the notification list
            // One thread at a time
            boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_notificationProtection );

            // Copy the notification vector to our local list and clear it at the same time
            std::swap( vecNotifications, m_vecQueuedNotifications );

        // Now loop over the notification callbacks and call each one.
        // Since we're looping over the copy we just made, new events won't affect us.
        BOOST_FOREACH( const EventNotificationFn & fn, vecNotifications )
            fn() ;

    // Callback signature
    typedef void EventNotificationFnSignature();
    typedef boost::function<EventNotificationFnSignature> EventNotificationFn;

    //! Queue an event with the event manager
    void QueueEvent( const EventNotificationFn & event )
        // One thread at a time.
        boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(  m_notificationProtection );


    // Queue of events
    typedef std::vector<EventNotificationFn> NotificationVec ;
    NotificationVec m_vecQueuedNotifications;

    // This mutex is used to ensure one-at-a-time access to the list of notifications
    boost::recursive_mutex m_notificationProtection ;

class Spaceship
    Spaceship(const std::string & name, const EventManagerPtr & pEventManager)
    : m_name(name)
    , m_pEventManager(pEventManager)

    const std::string& name()
        return m_name;

    // Define what a handler for crash events must look like
    typedef void CrashEventHandlerFnSignature(const std::string & sound);
    typedef boost::function<CrashEventHandlerFnSignature> CrashEventHandlerFn;

    // Call this function to be notified of crash events
    boost::signals2::connection subscribeToCrashEvents( const CrashEventHandlerFn & fn )
        return m_crashSignal.connect(fn);

    // Define what a handler for mutiny events must look like
    typedef void MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature(bool mutinyWasSuccessful, int numDeadCrew);
    typedef boost::function<MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature> MutinyEventHandlerFn;

    // Call this function to be notified of mutiny events
    boost::signals2::connection subscribeToMutinyEvents( const MutinyEventHandlerFn & fn )
        return m_mutinySignal.connect(fn);

    // Define what a handler for generic events must look like
    typedef void GenericEventHandlerFnSignature();
    typedef boost::function<GenericEventHandlerFnSignature> GenericEventHandlerFn;

    // Call this function to be notified of generic events
    boost::signals2::connection subscribeToGenericEvents( const std::string & eventType, const GenericEventHandlerFn & fn )
        if ( m_genericEventSignals[eventType] == NULL )
            m_genericEventSignals[eventType].reset( new GenericEventSignal );
        return m_genericEventSignals[eventType]->connect(fn);

    void CauseCrash( const std::string & sound )
        // The ship has crashed.  Queue the event with the event manager.
        m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(m_crashSignal), sound ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.

    void CauseMutiny( bool successful, int numDied )
        // A mutiny has occurred.  Queue the event with the event manager
        m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(m_mutinySignal), successful, numDied ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.

    void CauseGenericEvent( const std::string & eventType )
        // Queue the event with the event manager
        m_pEventManager->QueueEvent( boost::bind( boost::ref(*m_genericEventSignals[eventType]) ) ); //< Must use boost::ref because signal is noncopyable.

    std::string m_name;
    EventManagerPtr m_pEventManager;

    boost::signals2::signal<CrashEventHandlerFnSignature> m_crashSignal;
    boost::signals2::signal<MutinyEventHandlerFnSignature> m_mutinySignal;

    // This map needs to use ptrs, because std::map needs a value type that is copyable
    // (boost signals are noncopyable)
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<GenericEventHandlerFnSignature> GenericEventSignal;
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<GenericEventSignal> GenericEventSignalPtr;
    std::map<std::string, GenericEventSignalPtr > m_genericEventSignals;

class Controller
    Controller( const std::set<SpaceshipPtr> & ships )
        // For every ship, subscribe to all of the events we're interested in.
        BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr & pSpaceship, ships )
            m_ships.insert( pSpaceship );

            // Bind up a weak_ptr in the handler calls (using a shared_ptr would cause a memory leak)
            SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship(pSpaceship);

            // Register event callback functions with the spaceship so he can notify us.
            // Bind a pointer to the particular spaceship so we know who originated the event.
           boost::signals2::connection crashConnection = pSpaceship->subscribeToCrashEvents(
               boost::bind( &Controller::HandleCrashEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1 ) );

           boost::signals2::connection mutinyConnection = pSpaceship->subscribeToMutinyEvents(
               boost::bind( &Controller::HandleMutinyEvent, this, wpSpaceship, _1, _2 ) );

           // Callbacks for generic events
           boost::signals2::connection takeoffConnection =
                   boost::bind( &Controller::HandleGenericEvent, this, wpSpaceship, "takeoff" ) );

           boost::signals2::connection landingConnection =
                   boost::bind( &Controller::HandleGenericEvent, this, wpSpaceship, "landing" ) );

           // Cache these connections to make sure we get notified
           m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( crashConnection );
           m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( mutinyConnection );
           m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( takeoffConnection );
           m_allConnections[pSpaceship].push_back( landingConnection );

        // Disconnect from any signals we still have
        BOOST_FOREACH( const SpaceshipPtr pShip, m_ships )
            BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pShip] )

    typedef std::vector<boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionVec;
    std::map<SpaceshipPtr, ConnectionVec> m_allConnections;
    std::set<SpaceshipPtr> m_ships;

    void HandleGenericEvent( SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const std::string & eventType )
        // Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
        SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();

        std::cout << "Event on " << pSpaceship->name() << ": " << eventType << '\n';

    void HandleCrashEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, const std::string & sound)
        // Obtain a shared ptr from the weak ptr
        SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();

        std::cout << pSpaceship->name() << " crashed with sound: " << sound << '\n';

        // That ship is dead.  Delete it from the list of ships we track.

        // Also, make sure we don't get any more events from it
        BOOST_FOREACH( boost::signals2::connection & conn, m_allConnections[pSpaceship] )

    void HandleMutinyEvent(SpaceshipWPtr wpSpaceship, bool mutinyWasSuccessful, int numDeadCrew)
        SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship = wpSpaceship.lock();
        std::cout << (mutinyWasSuccessful ? "Successful" : "Unsuccessful" ) ;
        std::cout << " mutiny on " << pSpaceship->name() << "! (" << numDeadCrew << " dead crew members)\n";

int main()
    // Instantiate an event manager
    EventManagerPtr pEventManager( new EventManager );

    // Create some ships to play with
    int numShips = 5;
    std::vector<SpaceshipPtr> vecShips;
    for (int shipIndex = 0; shipIndex < numShips; ++shipIndex)
        std::string name = "Ship #" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shipIndex);
        SpaceshipPtr pSpaceship( new Spaceship(name, pEventManager) );

    // Create the controller with our ships
    std::set<SpaceshipPtr> setShips( vecShips.begin(), vecShips.end() );
    Controller controller(setShips);

    // Quick-and-dirty "simulation"
    // We'll cause various events to happen to the ships in the simulation,
    // And periodically flush the events by triggering the event manager

    std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #1" << std::endl;
    vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(false, 7);
    std::cout << "END Orbit #1" << std::endl;


    std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #2" << std::endl;
    vecShips[3]->CauseMutiny(true, 2);
    std::cout << "END Orbit #2" << std::endl;


    std::cout << "BEGIN Orbit #3" << std::endl;
    vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(false, 15);
    vecShips[2]->CauseMutiny(true, 20);
    vecShips[3]->CauseMutiny(true, 0); //< Should not cause output, since this ship has already crashed!
    std::cout << "END Orbit #3" << std::endl;


    return 0;

When run, the above program produces the following output:

BEGIN Orbit #1
END Orbit #1
Event on Ship #0: takeoff
Ship #0 crashed with sound: Kaboom!
Event on Ship #1: takeoff
Ship #1 crashed with sound: Blam!
Event on Ship #2: takeoff
Unsuccessful mutiny on Ship #2! (7 dead crew members)
BEGIN Orbit #2
END Orbit #2
Event on Ship #3: takeoff
Successful mutiny on Ship #3! (2 dead crew members)
Event on Ship #3: takeoff
Ship #4 crashed with sound: Splat!
BEGIN Orbit #3
END Orbit #3
Unsuccessful mutiny on Ship #2! (15 dead crew members)
Successful mutiny on Ship #2! (20 dead crew members)
Event on Ship #2: landing
Ship #3 crashed with sound: Fizzle

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