Division in Haskell

Use div, which performs integer division:

halfEvens :: [Int] -> [Int]
halfEvens [] = []
halfEvens (x:xs) | odd x = halfEvens xs
                 | otherwise = x `div` 2 : halfEvens xs

The (/) function requires arguments whose type is in the class Fractional, and performs standard division. The div function requires arguments whose type is in the class Integral, and performs integer division.

More precisely, div and mod round toward negative infinity. Their cousins, quot and rem, behave like integer division in C and round toward zero. div and mod are usually correct when doing modular arithmetic (e.g. when calculating the day of the week given a date), while quot and rem are slightly faster (I think).

Playing around a bit in GHCi:

> :t div
div :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
> :t (/)
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
> 3 / 5
> 3 `div` 5
> (-3) `div` 5
> (-3) `quot` 5
> [x `mod` 3 | x <- [-10..10]]
> [x `rem` 3 | x <- [-10..10]]

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