Does anyone know of an example of a RESTful client that follows the HATEOAS principle? [closed]

We’ve kind of half-done this on our current project. The representations we return are generated from domain objects, and the client can ask for them either in XML, JSON, or XHTML. If it’s an XHTML client like Firefox, then a person sees a set of outbound links from the well-known root resource and can browse around to all the other resources. So far, pure HATEOAS, and a great tool for developers.

But we’re concerned about performance when the client is a program, not a human using a browser. For our XML and JSON representations we’ve currently suppressed the generation of the related links, since they triple the representation sizes and thus substantially affect serialization/deserialization, memory usage, and bandwidth. Our other efficiency concern is that with pure HATEOAS, client programs will be making several times the number of HTTP requests as they browse down from the well-known link to the information they need. So it seems best, from an efficiency standpoint, if clients have the knowledge of the links encoded in them.

But doing that means the client must do a lot of string concatenation to form the URIs,
which is error prone and makes it hard to rearrange the resource name space. Therefore we use a templating system where the client code selects a template and asks it to expand itself from a parameter object. This is a type of form-filling.

I’m really eager to see what others have experienced on this. HATEOAS seems like a good idea aside from the performance aspects.

Edit: Our templates are part of a Java client library we wrote on top of the Restlet framework. The client library handles all details of HTTP requests/responses, HTTP headers, deserialization/serialization, GZIP encoding, etc. This makes the actual client code quite concise, and helps to insulate it from some server side changes.

Roy Fielding’s blog entry about HATEOAS has a very relevant and interesting discussion following it.

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