Embedded systems worst practices?

  • Uninitialized exception vectors (you know, for the ones that “will never be reached”)
  • Say it with me: Global variables. Especially ones shared between ISRs and tasks (or foreground loops) without protection.
  • Failure to use “volatile” where necessary.
  • Having routines that DisableInterrupts() and then EnableInterrupts() paired up. Got that? Not RestoreInterrupts(), but ENABLE. Yeah, nesting.
  • No GPIOs to toggle when testing.
  • No testpoints on board.
  • No LEDs or serial port for viewing run-time system status.
  • No measurement of how busy/idle the CPU is.
  • Use of inline assembly for all but the most dire of cases. Write a quick callout.
  • Using for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { } to “delay a bit”. Yeah, that’s not gonna bite you in a hundred different ways….
  • Not using const everywhere possible to preserve RAM and reduce boot time (no copying / init of variables)

I’ve got a ton more but that should get us started….

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