Fluent NHibernate: How to create one-to-many bidirectional mapping?

To get a bidirectional association with a not-null foreign key column in the Details table you can add the suggested Owner property, a References(…).CanNotBeNull() mapping in the DetailsMap class, and make the Summary end inverse.

To avoid having two different foreign key columns for the two association directions, you can either specify the column names manually or name the properties in a way that gives the same column name for both directions. In this case you I suggest renaming the Details.Owner property to Details.Summary.

I made the Summary id generated by increment to avoid problems when inserting into the table since Summary currenty has no columns besides id.


public class Detail
    public int id { get; protected set; }
    public string ItemName { get; set; }

    // Renamed to use same column name as specified in the mapping of Summary.Details
    public Summary Summary {get; set;} 

public class Summary
    public Summary()
        Details = new List<Detail>();

    public int id { get; protected set; }
    public IList<Detail> Details { get; protected set; }


public class DetailMap : ClassMap<Detail>
    public DetailMap()
        Id(x => x.id)

        Map(x => x.ItemName)

        References<Summary>(x => x.Summary)
            // If you don't want to rename the property in Summary,
            // you can do this instead:
            // .TheColumnNameIs("Summary_id")

public class SummaryMap : ClassMap<Summary>
    public SummaryMap()
        Id(x => x.id)

        HasMany<Detail>(x => x.Details)
            .AsBag(); // Use bag instead of list to avoid index updating issues

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