Getting MSDN PeerChannel “SecureChat” running on Windows Server 2008 R2

Try enabling these services on the server:

  1. Peer Name Resolution Server (Install through Server Management)
  2. Peer Discovery Server (Install through Server Management)
  3. Simple Service Discovery Protocol Service (SSDP Service)

Then simply ensure that the Firewall Rules are modified; by default they block IPv4 / IPv6 Teredo Tunneling driver. IPv6 needs to be supported as it is required by PNRP.

Also you should be able to configure your service in two ways; through Internet Information Systems (IIS) or as a Windows Service. Your best bet will be to use IIS, you can find an article here on how to configure it: Hosting and Consuming WCF Service

Those are the few tips I can think of to get it running. Hope that helps.

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