Git vs Mercurial vs SVN [duplicate]

SVN is different from Git and Mercurial, in that it is a single repository that all users have to pull and commit to.

Git and Mercurial have a distributed model. This means that there is a repository on every computer and there is usually an “Official” repository that people will choose to commit their changes to and pull from.

Git and Mercurial are extremely similar. I prefer Mercurial because I found it much easier to use. For a 2 person team I would recommend Mercurial, but that is just my opinion. If you are not familiar with version control then you are still gonna have to spend your time learning to use any of the options, but Mercurial seemed the easiest for me.

To start a Mercurial repository all you have to do is open a shell and cd to the directory you want to have version control in, and type hg init. That creates the repository. To add everything in the folder to the repository, type hg add .. Here are some other various commands:

  • To commit the local changes: hg commit -m "Descriptions of changes"
  • To pull to the latest version from the server: hg pull
  • To push the local changes: hg push

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