How can I see MSMQ in local Computer Management interface?

As suggested by John Breakwell’s comment, MSMQ was not installed on my local machine. I followed these steps to enable management of a remote MSMQ application from my local machine

Install MSMQ

At a command prompt, run the command OptionalFeatures to open the ‘Windows Features’ dialog.

In the feature tree of the dialog, Check the top-level feature ‘Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server’. This also checks the sub-feature ‘Microsoft MessageQueue (MSMQ) Server Core’. The dialog should look like this:

Check the feature 'Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server to install MSMQ support.

Press OK.

Windows displays a dialog to say “Please wait while Windows makes changes to features. This might take several minutes.” Wait until the dialog disappears.

Wait until the 'please wait' dialog disappears to check that the fix has worked.

Verify the fix

Run the command to compmgmt.msc locally:

runas /user:DEV\admin_me "mmc compmgmt.msc /computer:\\DEVSERVER"

Navigate to ‘Computer Management (Local) > Services and Applications > Message Queueing > Private Queues’ and verify that the two private queues used by my application are visible.

enter image description here

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