How do you integrate the Parse Javascript API with Appcelerator and not use undocumented calls?

Maybe this part of a newer SDK, but can’t you just call:

  "facebook": {
    "id": "user's Facebook id number as a string",
    "access_token": "an authorized Facebook access token for the user",
    "expiration_date": "token expiration date of the format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
      success : function(_user) {},
      error : function(_user, error) {}

It’s not documented in the Javascript guide, but it is documented in the unminified version of the code visa vie:

@param {String, Object} permissions The permissions required for Facebook
log in.  This is a comma-separated string of permissions.
Alternatively, supply a Facebook authData object as described in our
REST API docs if you want to handle getting facebook auth tokens

I made some updates to your original code to support the lastest SDK which I’m going to publish on Github.

Thanks so much for spearheading this effort. Your original post saved me hours.

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