How do you know what version number to use?

I’ve recently heard a pithier versioning strategy, that I first encountered at Eric Elliot’s Medium account. It’s more weighted towards library versioning that customer facing version numbers, but it has the advantage of simplicity. Use a three part version number, where each number means:


  • breaking: Something has changed that means code/expectations must change
  • feature: Something new is added, but old code/expectations will still work fine.
  • fix: Nothing’s new, but a bug has been fixed.

I leave my old answer below, as it’s still relevant to customer facing versions.

I tend to weight the significant digits as follows….

w.x.y.z (or

  • w – Major version, with many new
    features. A paid upgrade. The first
    public release of software is 1.X
    (pre-release versions are 0.X)
  • x –
    Significant release, but without
    groundbreaking new features.
  • y –
    Bugfix releases
  • z – Patchlevel
    releases (fixing an emergency bug,
    perhaps just for one client).

If you choose to use the format, you only get 9 digits before overflow. However, if you’re releasing that often, you may have a bigger problem.

Let’s illustrate with FooApp, my new product!

  • 0.9 – The first public beta
  • 0.91 – The second public beta
  • 0.911 – The emergency beta release to fix a crash on the Motorola 68010
  • 1.0 – The first public release
  • 1.1 – Added new BlahBaz feature
  • 1.11 – Bugfixes
  • 2.0 – Totally redeveloped interface.

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