How to cache in a Blackberry BrowserField

I’ve been looking at your code, and the only thing I’ve found there’s wrong with it, is you are completely ignoring the possibility of response.getLength(); returning less than zero (in CacheManagerImpl.createCache()). Although this didn’t happen to me at the page, some pages use Transfer-Encoding: chunked, which means Content-Length is not present. This is, however, well handled, and should not cause the cache to fail (it would only be less effective).

I suggest testing your code on smaller problems, one step at a time. First, create cacheable page that only contains some text (like “hello”) without any HTML tags. That should work pretty well, and in case it does not, it shouldn’t be hard to determine where the data are getting lost. Or try to manually create cache item that does not expire and contains a webpage with no (external) stylesheet nor images, and see if it’s even possible to pass it to BrowserField the way you do it. Then build on, add an image, add a style sheet so you can corner the problem.

The code is written very nicely, but at this point, it is not possible to help you because there are no evident flaws in the code and you are not explaining yourself very well, it is not clear how the error manifests itself, if it is every time or random, … If I had a Blackberry device, I could probably try running the code for myself, but i don’t.

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