How to calculate SVG transform matrix from rotate/translate/scale values?

translate(tx, ty) can be written as the matrix:

1  0  tx
0  1  ty
0  0  1

scale(sx, sy) can be written as the matrix:

sx  0   0
0   sy  0
0   0   1

rotate(a) can be written as the matrix:

cos(a)  -sin(a)  0
sin(a)   cos(a)  0
0        0       1

rotate(a, cx, cy) is the combination of translation by (cx, cy), rotation of a degrees and translation back by (-cx, -cy) (source). Multiplying matrices of these transformations results in:

cos(a)  -sin(a)  -cx × cos(a) + cy × sin(a) + cx
sin(a)   cos(a)  -cx × sin(a) - cy × cos(a) + cy
0        0        1

If you multiply the translate(tx, ty) matrix with the rotate(a, cx, cy) matrix, you get:

cos(a)  -sin(a)  -cx × cos(a) + cy × sin(a) + cx + tx
sin(a)   cos(a)  -cx × sin(a) - cy × cos(a) + cy + ty
0        0        1

Which corresponds to the SVG transform matrix:

(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a), -cx × cos(a) + cy × sin(a) + cx + tx, -cx × sin(a) - cy × cos(a) + cy + ty).

In your case that is: matrix(0.866, -0.5 0.5 0.866 8.84 58.35).

If you include the scale (sx, sy) transform, the matrix is:

(sx × cos(a), sy × sin(a), -sx × sin(a), sy × cos(a), (-cx × cos(a) + cy × sin(a) + cx) × sx + tx, (-cx × sin(a) - cy × cos(a) + cy) × sy + ty)

Note that this assumes you are doing the transformations in the order you wrote them.

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