How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array in Swift?

Instead of iterating through arrays and doing filtering yourself, you can use NSSet to do all the work for you.

var list:Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
var findList:Array<Int> = [1,3,5]

let listSet = NSSet(array: list)
let findListSet = NSSet(array: findList)

let allElemtsEqual = findListSet.isSubsetOfSet(otherSet: listSet)

NSSet is a lot faster than arrays at checking if it contains any object. In fact it’s what it’s designed for.

Edit: Using Swift’s built-in Set.

let list = [1,2,3,4,5]
let findList = [1,3,5]
let listSet = Set(list)
let findListSet = Set(findList)
//**Swift 4.2 and Above**
let allElemsContained = findListSet.isSubset(of: listSet)

//below versions
//let allElemsContained = findListSet.isSubsetOf(listSet)

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