How to handle HTTP requests in a Microservice / Event Driven Architecture?

As I was expecting – people try to fit everything into a concept even if it does not fit there. This is not a criticism, this is an observation from my experience and after reading your question and other answers.

Yes, you are right that microservices architecture is based on asynchronous messaging patterns. However, when we talk about UI, there are 2 possible cases in my mind:

  1. UI needs a response immediately (e.g. read operations or those commands on which user expects answer right away). These don’t have to be asynchronous. Why would you add an overhead of messaging and asynchrony if the response is required on the screen right away? Does not make sense. Microservice architecture is supposed to solve problems rather than create new ones by adding an overhead.

  2. UI can be restructured to tolerate delayed response (e.g. instead of waiting for the result, UI can just submit command, receive acknowledgement, and let the user do something else while response is being prepared). In this case, you can introduce asynchrony. The gateway service (with which UI interacts directly) can orchestrate the asynchronous processing (waits for complete events and so on), and when ready, it can communicate back to the UI. I have seen UI using SignalR in such cases, and the gateway service was an API which accepted socket connections. If the browser does not support sockets, it should fallback to the polling ideally. Anyway, important point is, this can only work with a contingency: UI can tolerate delayed answers.

If Microservices are indeed relevant in your situation (case 2), then structure UI flow accordingly, and there should not be a challenge in microservices on the back-end. In that case, your question comes down to applying event-driven architecture to the set of services (edge being the gateway microservice which connects the event-driven and UI interactions). This problem (event driven services) is solvable and you know that. You just need to decide if you can rethink how your UI works.

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