Identity equality for arguments of types Int and Int is deprecated

You can change the code by using structual equality instead as below:

//              use structual equality instead ---v
if (visibility and View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN == 0) {
    decorView.systemUiVisibility = flags

Why don’t suggest to use referential equality? you can see my answer here.

On the other hand, when you use referential/identity equality maybe return false, for example:

val ranged = arrayListOf(127, 127)

println(ranged[0] === ranged[1]) // true
println(ranged[0] ==  ranged[1]) // true

val exclusive = arrayListOf(128, 128)

//                                        v--- print `false` here
println(exclusive[0] === exclusive[1]) // false
println(exclusive[0] ==  exclusive[1]) // true

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