Integrating the ZXing library directly into my Android application


I’ve managed to figure it out 🙂 And down below you can read step-by-step guide so it hopefully can help others with the same problem as I had 😉

  1. Install Apache Ant – (See this YouTube video for config help)
  2. Download the ZXing source from ZXing homepage and extract it
  3. With the use of Windows Commandline (Run->CMD) navigate to the root directory of the downloaded zxing src.
  4. In the commandline window – Type ant -f core/build.xml press enter and let Apache work it’s magic [having issues?]
  5. Enter Eclipse -> new Android Project, based on the android folder in the directory you just extracted
  6. Right-click project folder -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Library -> Add External JARs…
  7. Navigate to the newly extracted folder and open the core directory and select core.jar … hit enter!

Now you just have to correct a few errors in the translations and the AndroidManifest.xml file 🙂 Now you can happily compile, and you will now have a working standalone barcode scanner app, based on the ZXing source 😉

Happy coding guys – I hope it can help others 🙂

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