Intentionally setting a Spring bean to null

I’m pretty sure that Spring won’t allow you to associate null with a bean id or alias. You can handle this by setting properties to null.

Here’s how you did this in Spring 2.5

<bean class="ExampleBean">
    <property name="email"><null/></property>

In Spring 3.0, you should also be able to use the Spring expression language (SpEL); e.g.

<bean class="ExampleBean">
    <property name="email" value="#{ null }"/>

or any SpEL expression that evaluates to null.

And if you are using a placeholder configurator you could possibly even do this:

<bean class="ExampleBean">
    <property name="email" value="#{ ${some.prop} }`"/>

where some.prop could be defined in a property file as:



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