Is GPT needed on a 16 TB data disk?

You can do this without any problems…

I’m assuming /dev/sdb is a separate HP Smart Array Logical Drive.

Don’t use any partitioning for this setup… Just create the filesystem on the block device:

mkfs.xfs -f -l size=256m,version=2 -s size=4096 /dev/sdb

When you want to expand at a later date, add disks and expand the HP logical drive using the hpssacli or Smart Storage Administrator tools.

You can rescan the device to get the new size with:

echo 1 > /sys/block/sdb/device/rescan

Confirm the device size change with dmesg|tail.

At that point, you can run xfs_growfs /mountpoint (not device name) and the filesystem will grow online!

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