Is it possible to add Authentication to access to NestJS’ Swagger Explorer

Securing access to your Swagger with HTTP Basic Auth using NestJS with Express

First run npm i express-basic-auth then add the following to your main.{ts,js}:

// add import
import * as basicAuth from 'express-basic-auth';

// ...

// Sometime after NestFactory add this to add HTTP Basic Auth
    ['/docs', '/docs-json'],
        challenge: true,
        users: {
            yourUserName: 'p4ssw0rd',

// Your code
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
    .setTitle('My App')
    .setDescription('My App API documentation')

const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options)
SwaggerModule.setup('docs', app, document, {
    customSiteTitle: 'My App documentation',

// ...

With this in place you will be prompted on any of the /docs route with a HTTP Basic Auth prompt. We have to name /docs-json explicitly too, to protect the generated JSON OpenAPI file.

You should not put the credentials in your code/repository but rather in your .env and access via the ConfigService.

I have seen this solution first here.

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