Is there a best practice and recommended alternative to Session variables in MVC

You will never get unanimous opinion on anything in any large group of people. That’s just human nature. Part of that stems from the Dunning-Kruger Effect which states that the less someone knows about a subject, the more likely they are to over value their expertise in that subject. In other words, lots of people think they know something, but only because they don’t know they don’t know it. Part of it is simply that people have different experiences, and some have found no problems with session, while others have in various situations, or vice versa…

So, to backup your research, which suggest that the answer depends heavily on the requirements, we need to understand what your requirements are. If this is to be a high traffic site, with load balanced servers in a web farm, then stay as far away from session as you can. Sure, it’s possible to share session in various ways in a server farm environment (session server, distribute cache server, etc..), but avoiding session will almost always be faster if you can help it.

If your site is a single server, and unlikely to ever grow beyond that. And your traffic patterns are relatively low, then session may be a useful option. However, you should always be aware that session is unreliable storage, and can disappear on you at any time. If the app pool is recycled, session is gone. If an uncaught exception bubbles up to the worker process, the session may be gone. If IIS thinks there’s not enough memory, your session may be gone, regardless of any timeout values configured. You also can’t always get reliable notification that a session has ended, since terminated sessions do not fire the Session_End event.

Another issue is that Session is serialized. In other words, IIS prevents more than one thread from writing to the session at a time, and it often does this by locking the session while a thread is running if it has not opted out of writable session locking. This can cause severe problems in some cases, and merely poor performance in others. You can mitigate this by marking various methods with a read-only session attribute if you aren’t going to be modifying it in that method.

Ultimately, if you do choose to use session, then try to only use it for small, short lived things if at all possible, and if not possible then build in a way to “regenerate” the data if the session is lost. For instance, using your number of items in cart example, you could write a method that first checks to see if the value is there, and if not it goes out and loads it from the database. Always use this method to access the variable, rather than accessing it directly from session… this way, if the session is lost it will just reload it.

However, having said this… For the number of items in a cart, I would generally prefer to use a cookie for this information, since cookies get passed to the page on every load anyways, and this is a small discrete unit of data. Generally prefer Session for sensitive data that you want to prevent the user from being able to change.. number of items in the cart simply doesn’t fit that rule.

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