Is there any way to colorize a white PNG image with CSS only?

I recently have the same question and I think this approach is worth sharing for future readers.
Try this

filter: brightness(50%) sepia(100) saturate(100) hue-rotate(25deg);

Brightness will darken the image, sepia will make it a bit yellowish, saturate to increase the color, and lastly hue-rotate to change the color.
It’s not cross browser friendly though:

Here are some useful tips and tools that I’ve used when I work with images/icons using css:

  • If you have the svg version of the image, you can convert them to
    font icons using this tool . To change color you just need color:#f00; just like font colors.
  • If you need to achieve this effect for hover state, Use red image with filter: brightness(0) invert(); on NON-hover state, and filter: brightness(1); on hover state. Hovever this will still won’t work on IE
  • Use sprite sheet. You can create yourself using image editing tool or use sprite sheet generators available online. Then, you can use SpriteCow to get the css for every sub-image of your spritesheet.

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