Large scale usage of Meyer’s advice to prefer Non-member,non-friend functions?

I do this quite a bit on the project I work on; the largest of which at my current company is around 2M lines, but it’s not open source, so I can’t provide it as a reference. However, I will say that I agree with the advice, generally speaking. The more you can separate the functionality which is not strictly contained to just one object from that object, the better your design will be.

By way of an example, consider the classic polymorphism example: a Shape base class with subclasses, and a virtual Draw() function. In the real world, Draw() would need to take some drawing context, and potentially be aware of the state of other things being drawn, or the application in general. Once you put all that into each subclass implementation of Draw(), you’re likely to have some code overlap, or most of your actual Draw() logic will be in the base class, or somewhere else. Then consider that if you want to re-use some of that code, you’ll need to provide more entry points into the interface, and possibly pollute the functions with other code not related to drawing shapes (eg: multi-shape drawing correlation logic). Before long, it’ll be a mess, and you’ll wish you had a draw function which took a Shape (and context, and other data) instead, and Shape just had functions/data which were entirely encapsulated and not using or referencing external objects.

Anyway, that’s my experience/advice, for what it’s worth.

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