markdown link to header

In the Documentation you link to we learn that…

The IDs are generated from the content of the header according to the
following rules:

  1. All text is converted to lowercase.
  2. All non-word text (e.g., punctuation, HTML) is removed.
  3. All spaces are converted to hyphens.
  4. Two or more hyphens in a row are converted to one.
  5. If a header with the same ID has already been generated, a unique incrementing number is appended, starting at 1.

Note rule 4: “Two or more hyphens in a row are converted to one.” However, the example you tried has two hyphens in a row (after the 1). Remove one of them and you should have it.

From time to time I have encountered a unique header which is converted into an ID in some non-obvious way. A quick way to work out the ID is to use your browser’s view source and/or inspect tools to view the HTML source code. For example, you might find the following HTML for your example:

<h3 id="1-this-is-my-header">1. This is my Header</h3>

Then just use the contents of the id attribute with a hash to link to that header: #1-this-is-my-header.

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