Maven command to list lifecycle phases along with bound goals?

The buildplan-maven-plugin is an excellent tool for showing how goals are bound to phases.

Below are examples of commands you can run. The commands will automatically download and install the plugin if it hasn’t already been installed.

List goals by the order they will execute

> mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list

PLUGIN                  | PHASE                  | ID                    | GOAL
maven-enforcer-plugin   | validate               | default               | enforce
maven-dependency-plugin | process-sources        | default               | copy-dependencies
maven-resources-plugin  | process-resources      | default-resources     | resources
maven-compiler-plugin   | compile                | default-compile       | compile
maven-resources-plugin  | process-test-resources | default-testResources | testResources
maven-compiler-plugin   | test-compile           | default-testCompile   | testCompile
maven-surefire-plugin   | test                   | default-test          | test
maven-jar-plugin        | package                | default-jar           | jar
maven-assembly-plugin   | package                | make-assembly         | single
maven-install-plugin    | install                | default-install       | install
maven-deploy-plugin     | deploy                 | default-deploy        | deploy

Group goals by phase

> mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list-phase

validate -----------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-enforcer-plugin   | default               | enforce
process-sources ----------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-dependency-plugin | default               | copy-dependencies
process-resources --------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin  | default-resources     | resources
compile ------------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin   | default-compile       | compile
process-test-resources ---------------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin  | default-testResources | testResources
test-compile -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin   | default-testCompile   | testCompile
test ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-surefire-plugin   | default-test          | test
package ------------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-jar-plugin        | default-jar           | jar
    + maven-assembly-plugin   | make-assembly         | single
install ------------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-install-plugin    | default-install       | install
deploy -------------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-deploy-plugin     | default-deploy        | deploy

Group goals by plugin

> mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list-plugin

maven-enforcer-plugin ---------------------------------------------------
    + validate               | default               | enforce
maven-dependency-plugin -------------------------------------------------
    + process-sources        | default               | copy-dependencies
maven-resources-plugin --------------------------------------------------
    + process-resources      | default-resources     | resources
    + process-test-resources | default-testResources | testResources
maven-compiler-plugin ---------------------------------------------------
    + compile                | default-compile       | compile
    + test-compile           | default-testCompile   | testCompile
maven-surefire-plugin ---------------------------------------------------
    + test                   | default-test          | test
maven-jar-plugin --------------------------------------------------------
    + package                | default-jar           | jar
maven-assembly-plugin ---------------------------------------------------
    + package                | make-assembly         | single
maven-install-plugin ----------------------------------------------------
    + install                | default-install       | install
maven-deploy-plugin -----------------------------------------------------
    + deploy                 | default-deploy        | deploy


By default, the goals search for tasks that would run if the user invoked mvn deploy. Phases such as clean won’t be included. To include multiple phases in the search, use the buildplan.tasks property:

> mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list -Dbuildplan.tasks=clean,deploy

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